Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Roger Blough Passes Marine City...Again

So next up is the Roger Blough as she passes Marine City.  The St. Clair River is a pretty nice river for boatwatching.  There aren't too many bends in it, so you can see the ships from a distance.
 For instance, the Blough was passing the power plant in St. Clair when this picture was taken.  It is a pretty good distance away.  The ship to the left is the Paul R. Tregurtha.  If I had gotten up earlier, I could have caught her in action.
 There are still enough curves that the ships have turn on occasion.  This is when you get the headshots.
 And she gets a little closer.
 Another turn and another headshot.
 And she gets closer yet.
 I really like her squat shape.
 And a shot of her pilothouse.
 Slowly she makes her way past.
 Almost there.
 And then something really cool happened.  Because of some of the groups I frequent on Facebook, I friended a crew member on her.  I think he saw me because I got a greeting from the Blough.  It was really cool.
 And she slowly passes by.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.
 And deckhouse.
 And she moves down the River.
And normally this would be it for the day...but one more set of pictures.

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