Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Civil War Memorial

I've taken pictures of this memorial before but there were some things I didn't realize.
 It is surrounded by cannons that were used in the siege of Vicksburg.
 This figure represents the Navy.  He would be a typical sailor from the era.
 This figure obviously represents the Army.  I think this is a standard sculpture because I've see others like it.
 A shot of the cannon from the front.
 A figure depicting a flag bearer.  Since the flag was used a rallying point, this was a very important and deadly job during the Civil War.  Some of the battles would get confusing and the flag would show where part of the line was.  As a result, both sides would try and kill the flag bearer.  This would mean that someone else would have to take that role.  Several Medal of Honor recepients during the war were flag bearers.
 An overall shot of the memorial.
 Across the street is a memorial to all of the war dead of Port Huron.  There is an eternal flame at the top and surprisingly it was staying lit on the rainy day.
 I was intrigued by this part because it showed people from engagements that didn't have many people involved in.  I wonder if there is a town in the US that has someone killed in every War the US has fought?
 A shot of the two memorials.
 Another cannon.
And a shot of the memorial from the side.

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