Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fort Gratiot Lighthouse....Again

Since I was at the park, I figured I would get some pictures of the lighthouse too.  I was actually hoping to get some pictures of the Blough from the lighthouse but it wasn't open, so I guess I'll have to settle for pictures of the lighthouse.
 I would have to say this is one of the nicer looking lighthouses.  It could easily move up into my list of favorites.
 I was trying to get other angles without industry in the background.
 Sadly, you can see splotches from the raindrops on my lens but I think it adds a fairly neat effect.
 Another angle.  I'm glad they managed to repaint the tower.  It was looking pretty ratty first time I saw it.
 Another angle of the lighthouse and keeper's house.
 Looking at the lighthouse from the front.
And just the keeper's house.  I saw a sign on the property that they are rebuilding some of the barracks.  That would be cool, I think.

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