Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

I'm actually trying something new with this post.  I found out that you can set your posts to appear on a certain day.  Since I'm not going to be home on Christmas, I figured that I would do this post today and let it appear on Christmas.
Yes, yes, it's another picture of the Blough, but I kind of like the effect.  This was taken at the Maritime Center in Port Huron a couple of weeks ago.  They have this wreath around one of the windows.  I'm not 100% sold on the picture though because of the light reflection but it is a perfect Chirstmas greeting for this page.

Anyway, I want to wish all my readers a Merry Christmas.  I also want to thank them for coming to this blog and reading it.  If there is anything you would like to see in the future, please post in the comments.  So I hope Santa Blough brings you lots of presents.

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