Monday, December 31, 2012

My Last Ship of the Year - The Indiana Harbor

I suppose it is fitting that my last ship of this year would be one from the American Steamship Company.  My last ship last year was the Sam Laud which is also part of the American Steamship Company but she's not a 1000 footer.
 So my last ship of the year is the Indiana Harbor.  She's been on this blog a few times before.  I think the last time I caught her was in Port Huron but I could be wrong on that.  At any rate, it is always cool when I get a 1000 footer.  So here she slowly makes her way past the Ambassador Bridge.
 She gets a little closer but she's not moving fast enough for my taste as it was cold and windy this morning.  It is times like this that I wonder what the heck I'm doing.
 As I was waiting, a piece of ice floated by.  So it has to be at least 32 degrees.
 She is definately a big ship and was coming from Conneaut, Ohio to head back to Superior, WI.  Not sure if this is her last trip of the season though.
 As I was taking the pictures, I noticed a bit of steam coming off the forecastle.
 But I didn't bring the right lens to zoom closer, so I would have to wait.
 Here she passes Caesar's Casino.
 A close up of her bow, you can definately see the steam.
 The almost straight on shot.
 The definately straight on shot.
 As close as I could get to her pilothouse.
 I kind of liked the sky in the background.
 And she moves on.
And one more shot before I decided to move on.

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