Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Some Eagles

I for one am glad that the eagle has made a pretty strong comeback.  I remember when I took my first picture a couple years ago, I thought it would be a rare event but now it seems like I am seeing eagles in more and more places.  This is a good thing I think.
 As I was heading up to my mom's, I saw a few eagles along River Road.  I didn't stop at that time because I wanted to get to my mom's first.  So we took River Road to catch 75 again.  The eagles were still there.  The one above was in a park and I was able to get right under him.
 For a few seconds.....There is something very cool about an eagle in flight.
 Kind of wish this one weren't quite so blurry...oh well.
 A little bit further down the road, I saw another eagle.  He was perched along the highway waiting for food or something.
 And as I got closer.  Fortunately, I anticipated that and had my camera ready.
 I would have liked this shot a little more if the other wing weren't clipped.
 And last night, we went to my normal eagle spot.  My mom said that they have been flocking there.  I saw quite a few but it was getting late, so I didn't have many opportunities for pictures.
Although I did catch one flying.  Again, not quite the shot I was looking for.

1 comment:

  1. I like the one where the eagle has landed, though there isn't much contrast on it.
