Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Algoma Quebecois Passes St. Clair

I saw that there was one more ship heading upbound.  I was pretty sure I had a chance to catch her if I took M-29 home.  I saw her just south of St. Clair, so I stopped the car to take some pictures.
 In the background, you can see the Mesabi Miner heading further downbound.  I didn't think I'd catch her again before it got dark.
 An almost clear background for.  The lack of a self-unloader makes her another true classic.
 I kind of like this view.
 I like the plume from the factory in the background.
 Another nice angle of her.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And her deckhouse.
And one more shot as she moves towards Port Huron and points beyond.

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