Friday, December 14, 2012

The Belle Isle Aquarium

The last time I was at the Aquarium was for the Shiver on the River.  When I found out that the Aquarium was also going to be open tonight, I decided that I had to go.  I wanted to see what has been done since then.
 One of the things was the renovation of the roof.  I think it looks alot nicer now.
 The Aquarium was established in 1904 and the building was designed by Albert Kahn.  When it closed, it was the oldest aquarium in the country.  It turns out that the Shiver on the River was the first step in re-opening the aquarium on a regular basis.  Shortly after that, it has been open on Saturdays. 
 They've added some more things in the aquariums.  There are still quite a few that are empty though but it takes time.
 It was pretty cool to see the gars.
 Another gar.
 I didn't notice this last time I was there.
 They also added a tank with some native species in it.  This is a bass.
 And my favorite...the perch.
 The green ceiling is deliberate.  Albert Kahn wanted you to have the feeling you were underwater.
 It looked really cool all lit up.
And I love this....

It looks like they are adding more things to the aquarium.  I'm not sure if it will ever be at the level it was before but you never know.

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