Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Sun Sets Over Detroit

I really like to take sunset pictures.  Although I think I prefer to take them on manual because it seems like auto-exposure tries to compensate too much.
 The sunset was really cool as it was behind the Ambassador Bridge.  Hopefully this a metaphor as Maroun's proposal was defeated soundly and hopefully work on the new bridge will start soon.
 As I was taking pictures of the Blough from the fishing pier, I had to grab these pictures.  This is a higher exposure setting.
 This one is a little lower and I think I like it better.
 In front of the Coast Guard station was the Christmas anchor.  The tradition of the Christmas anchor started in the early 1900's with the advent of the electric light.  Ship captains would go to an anchor farm to pick out the best anchor and they would drag it back and decorate.  It is a dying tradition but at least the Coast Guard maintains it.......

Just kidding.  It does look pretty cool though.
 Another shot of the anchor.
 As I was rounding the island, I got to my favorite spot to take a picture of the city.  I think it looks even neater with the MacArthur Bridge all lit up.
Not sure about this shot though.  Too dark.

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