Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fair Winds and Following Seas.....

Or the journey continues.....

So about a month ago, I did a post telling about a personal journey I was undertaking.  Namely my project to lose some weight.  I decided that my next update would be when I get to a round number for a weight.  Well, I reached a round number, so here is my update.

I'm still pretty much in the just watching what I eat mode, although I realize that at some point I'm going to have start walking or something like that.  But basically, this means that I've lost another 13 pounds since my last update which puts me down 23 pounds.  I went into this thinking that this was a long term project because I didn't put all this weight on overnight nor do I expect to take it off overnight.

So my next update will come at another 20 pounds which probably wont be for another 3 or 4 months.