Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pictures of the Cat - Zappa

It was pretty cold here in Michigan.  When I got in my car and saw the thermometer, it read -2 Fahrenheit, that translates to pretty cold.  I kind of wish I would have taken my camera to work because the pictures from the lunch room would have looked pretty nice.  Oh well.  I'll have a chance for some winter pictures later this week, I think.  So I'll settle with pictures of my cat.
 He's been on here before and here he is doing his cat thing.  For this picture I put a piece of kleenex over the flash to subdue it.
 And here I didn't.  I think I like the first better.  It looks a little more natural, the light of the flash isn't quite so harsh.
 A little closer to his face.
And one more.  If you notice the goatee, you can see why he's named Zappa.

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