Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sault Sainte Marie in the Winter

One of the things I like about doing this blog is that it gives me an excuse to do things that I wouldn't normally do.  If you asked me if I would find myself in Sault Ste Marie in the middle of January, I would have looked at you with a crazy look.  But at any rate, this post represents kind of a book end for me.

This year, I found myself at the Soo on the day they opened the locks and now I find myself pretty close to when they are going to close the locks for the season.  The official day is January 15th, I think but the shipping season is winding down considerably.
 A shot of the Administration Building through the trees.  There was a fair amount of snow on the ground.
 The MacArhtur Lock has already been drained so that need maintenance can be performed.  The winter gives this opportunity for the locks although I would hate to be one of the people doing the work because it was pretty cold for the brief moment I was there.
 I believe this vessel is the Thunder Bay which I took pictures of a couple weeks ago.  It could also be the Katmai Bay which I took pictures of in September.  She was too low to catch the nameplate.
 One of the bad aspects of coming up here at this time was that the observation deck was closed.  Can say that I blame them because that would be one more thing that would have to be shoveled and based on the snow there, they have plenty of work in that department.
 Another shot of the Admistration Building.  There were enough places I could shoot through the fence.
 A Japanese Shinto-Torii Monument.  This monument was brought by Govenor Chase Osborn for use as an entry monument.  It is no longer used for that purpose though.  Nearby there is a sign that mentions Sault Ste. Marie's sister city in Japan, Ryuo-Cho, Shiga-Ken.  It was built in 1905.
 The tourist shops are closed for the most part.  Although there is quite a bit of tourism here in the winter because of the snowmobilers and stuff.
 Looking down Portage Street.
 Looking back towards more tourist shops.

Another couple views of the Administration Building.