Sunday, January 13, 2013

St. John's Marsh

One of the areas that I always pass when I'm up this way but never stop at is St. John's Marsh.  It looks kind of interesting because there are some trails and stuff, so I decided to stop yesterday.
 The area is just south of Algonac State Park.  Based on a monument in the park, it was established in 2005.
 The park is administered by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
 I kind of liked the look of these birch trees.  This area is known as a lakeplain prairie and used to cover more of this area.  I think this area would be pretty cool come spring.
 A closeup of the birch trees.
 The monument I was mentioning.
 I kind of liked the looks of this log.
 So I got some closeups.
 I really liked the textures.
 And some of the other textures, this might be better served in black and white.
 Looking up at one of the branches.
 This trail used to be part of a railroad.  This went from Port Huron down to Toledo.  It was a series of street cars.  The idea may come back.
 I'm not sure what this building is.
 Another shot of the prairie.
I tried to get a shot of this blue jay, but he wasn't very cooperative.

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