Friday, January 25, 2013

Winter Strikes Back

So Old Man Winter decided to head back to Ann Arbor today.  It's been cold the past couple of days but it hasn't been too snowy.   Well that changed.  I'm not sure how much snow was dumped on us today but it was a pretty significant amount.  Made getting home interesting, that's for sure.
 We have some pretty neat plant life around the building I work at.  For the most part it is an attempt to be natural.  It at least looks natural.  I'm not sure what kind of grasses these are but they are pretty cool come late summer and early fall.
 I really love the birch trees we have in front of our building.
 They make some pretty interesting patterns.  Although on this picture I'm not sure if it works better oriented this way or the other way.  I'd post the other way but I don't feel like it tonight.
 Another one of the trees.
 A more pulled out picture of the grasses.  Could almost be on the prairie somewhere.
 We have some pines in the back of our building.
 I think I really like this shot.
 But the thistles are pretty neat too.
 Especially all covered in snow.

 Another one.
 One last shot of that.
 I really liked the way the snow piled on a pile of branches we have in the back.  There is a nice little trail back there.
 It makes for a nice peaceful view for the most part.
And one last shot.  The building in the background is the Ann Arbor News printing press.  Supposedly they use recycled paper and soy inks in an effort to reduce their environmental footprint.


  1. a true artist's eye :-) Beautiful pics!

  2. The birch in your pictures, River Birch (Betula nigra) has really great looking bark.
