Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Cold Day Up North

As I said in my teaser post yesterday, I headed up north.  I'll post more pictures tomorrow but I just wanted to get something up today and I think these pictures are pretty cool.
 We stopped at the rest area just north of Bay City.  I had to take care of some business and we wanted some pictures of the trees before the sun came out and started to melt the frost off.  Unfortunately, the shots didn't turn out quite the way I wanted but there were some nice ones.  I really like how this one turned out and I think it would look better in black and white and I may try that when I'm less tired.
 Same tree from a different angle.
 The cluster of trees.
 As I headed into the rest area, I noticed this plant and had to come back to get some closeups of the berries.
 I think the thermometer read -1 F.  And that was without wind chill, so it was a pretty cold morning.
 Another shot of the berries.
 Looking up at the tree.
 Another one of the trees.  I loved how the ice was encasing the tree.
One more shot of another stand.

I think these pictures would look pretty cool in black and white and I may have to try that.

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