Monday, February 25, 2013

Bring on the Wolverines...

Somehow this blog wouldn't be this blog unless I posted pictures of the wolverine at the Detroit Zoo.  I decided to make this a separate post because I didn't want the wolverine to get lost in the sea of other animals...he's just too cool for that.
 When the wolverine is active, he is pretty cool.  He actually runs a circuit around the enclosure.
 He ends up posing at certain spots of the enclosure.  Or at least it seems like he is posing.
 Some people think they are ugly...I think they look pretty neat.  They certainly look like an animal that can tear you apart.
 I knew that wolverines were pretty adept climbers from reading "The Wolverine Way", I just never saw it in action before.  It didn't take long for him to get to this vantage point.
 Here he is scoping out the area.
 I came back before leaving and he was posing again.  Sadly, I missed what would have been a pretty cool pictures as he was opening his mouth. 
 Again posing.
And one last shot of the wolverine.  Just look at those claws.

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