Thursday, February 28, 2013

Meandering around Eastern

The next set of pictures represent pictures of Eastern Michigan taken at two different times of the day.  As I said in my Snow post, I took some other pictures.  I wish I would have had more time but I had to get to work.
 Even though it is a pretty mundance sign, I thought the snow looked pretty cool.  Although I can't explain the fence.
 A closeup of that sign.
 Looking down one of the throughways through campus.  I really liked the way the snow was sticking to the trees.
 What really caught my eye was the way the snow was sticking to the Clock Tower of Pierce Hall.  I made it look like part of it was white.
 So I took a picture of Pease Auditorium as well.
 Another angle of the tower.
 A straight on shot of Pease.
 I really liked the way this shot turned out.
 Looking down towards Jones-Goddard.  Goddard is where I spent my first three years at Eastern.
So after wandering around Ann Arbor for a while, I decided to take my travels to my Alma Mater.  When I was a student at EMU, I wasn't overly impressed with the campus but I've grown more happy with it.  There is a good enough blend of old and new buildings to make it unique.

Welch Hall in the winter.  I've said this a number of times before but I'll say it again, my first viewing of this was a burnt out looking building.  Over time, they renovated this building and I'll have to say it looks really nice now.  I'm glad that Eastern has put some effort into making the campus look nice.  There are some neat buildings that need preserving.  It makes Eastern stand out from the other cookie cutter campuses of the MAC.
 Boone Hall.  To me this is a pretty plain looking building, but I like the marble highlights.
 No tour of Eastern would be complete without Ypsilanti's most distinctive structure.
 Looking up at the tower.  I wish I had gotten a picture of it in the morning because there was way more snow on it.  Oh well.
 Ypsilanti's namesake.
 McKenny Union (or whatever it is called these days).  This is anotehr classic looking building.  I think it is representative of Neo-Gothic.
 Sherzer Hall.  It is hard to believe that this building was nearly written off after a major fire.  But as you can see, they were able to renovate it and pretty much put it back to original condition.
 Some details of Sherzer.
 The tower of Starkweather Hall.
 Another shot of Pease.
 Looking up at Pierce Hall.  Sadly, it had lost much of the snow that I showed earlier.
 A closer shot of Pease Auditorium.
 Looking up at the tower again.  There is still some snow but not quite as much.
 Another angle of Pease.
And for my final shot...Ned's Bookstore.  These buildings look like the come out of the "generic Midwest town" blueprints.

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