Monday, February 18, 2013

Point Betsie in the Winter

Roughly 7 miles to the north of Frankfort is the Point Betsie Lighthouse.
 It is probably one of my favorite lighthouses but that is a fairly close competition between Old Mackinac, Point Iroquois and Whitefish Point.  I'd have to say that the keeper's house is pretty neat.
 Unfortunately, the grounds were closed and my normal paths were pretty icy.
 But I managed to soldier on and get a picture of the tower. 
 And I walked down to the beach to catch this picture of the ice.  I should have been a little more patient to get pictures of the waves.
 A clearer shot of the lighthouse.  I did manage to find a path that would get me a clean shot of the lighthouse.
 A group of trees.  I like the way that some of the trees on this end of the state are windblown.
 Some more trees.
And an obscured lighthouse with another group of trees.

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