Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Wolverine Passes Depot Town

Anyone who has followed this blog for any period of time knows that I like trains.  As I was wandering around Depot Town, I heard the distinctive town of a train horn as it was approaching town.
 So of course, I had to get into position to get a picture of it.  Fortunately, I was in a spot where I could do that.  I'd say the train slowly approaches but it didn't.
 Kicking up a bit of snow as it passes the Depot.  Got to love a picture of a depot when you can get a train passing it.
 A closeup of the engine.  It was pretty cool because the horn was blaring.
 And it starts to pass by.
And one more shot as it continues on to Chicago.  Hopefully I will be riding the Wolverine soon.

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