Friday, March 8, 2013

An Evening at the Ann Arbor Airport

I'm always lamenting about how there isn't really a good spot for planewatching around here.  And I always forget that the Ann Arbor Airport is fairly busy when it is nice and sunny out.
 All day at work, I heard the planes buzzing the building.  Fortunately I brought my camera with me, so I was able to get a picture of this guy.  I believe this plane is a Piper Archer, but I'm not sure.  But like lots of things, as soon as I had my camera ready to go, the planes stopped buzzing for a while.
 So after work, I decided to take my camera and I over to the Ann Arbor Airport.  I've covered this airport here before, so I'm not going to go into many details.  This is the house for the EAA group of Ann Arbor though.
 I always see this plane parked on the tarmac.  I would love to see it flying one of these days.  It looks like it might be cool in the air.  This picture was modified slightly using Lightroom.
 A shot of the airport terminal and tower.
 This is a Cessna beloning to the University of Michigan flying Club.  If "UM" in the license number didn't give that away, the tail should.  He was doing touch and goes, so I got a few pictures as you will see.
 Next up is a Piper Archer.  This plane was also doing touch and goes.
 One more of the Michigan plan.
 Another of the Piper.
 I couldn't pass up the profile shot.
 For the next few shots, I decided to slow the shutter speed down a bit.  That gives a little bit of propellor blur.  The trade off is that the picture may be a little blurrier.
 The Michigan Flyer again.
 Next up is a Piper Saratoga.  This guy wasn't doing touch and goes.  So only a couple of pictures of him.
 The profile shot.
 The Archer again.
 Another Cessna.  Not sure which group this one belongs to.
And one last shot as the plane flies off into the sunset.

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