Saturday, March 2, 2013

Eastern Michigan Vs. Western Michigan - Basketball

I ended up at the Eastern Michigan basketball game again today.  It was pretty cool but I felt a little off on my pictures.  I still got a few nice shots but my nicer shots are at Eagle Totem.
 This time I arrived early enough to get a coule of pregame shots.  This one of Da'Shonte Riley was probably the best one of the bunch.
 With the tipoff, we have the beginning of the game.
 J.R. Sims fighting off a defender to make his way to the basket.
 Derek Thompson charging hard to the basket (he's the one in the middlish).
 Jalen Sims bringing the ball down the court.  This picture almost needs a caption.  I never realized how much the balls deform during use.
 Glenn Bryant fighting off a Bronco to get to the basket.
 Daylen Harrison taking a shot.
 Swoop stating what he would like to happen.
 Glenn Bryant working to the basket.
 Jalen Ross attempting a three pointer.
And the final score was EMU 50 and WMU 49 in overtime.  It was a pretty cool game.  Lots of up and down scores.  Eastern got a huge lead to see Western catchup.  Western got a huge lead and you see the end result.

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