Friday, March 15, 2013

Re-Visiting the Cobblestones While Dancing Between Raindrops

With it staying light later, I should be updating more during the week again.  I was going to head to the airport again tonight but I didn't see anything flying around.  Then I was going to head to downtown Ann Arbor again but it looked like it might start raining.  So I decided ot head back to the Cobblestone Park again.  While I liked the pictures I got last time, I thought I could do a little better.
 I stopped by the barnyard first.  Even thought I'm taking pictures of the same animals, there are always some variotions.  This time the horse was in a better spot for photographs and I'll have to say he is a pretty neat looking animal.
 This goat was pretty shy compared to the other goats.
 I love this look.
 The chickens were a little closer tonight.
 This guy was crowing for a while.
 I loved the patterns on this chicken.
 Same with this goat.  He was vying for attention.
 And I love this picture.
 Just a shot of the barn itself.
 This was one of the angles that I was not happy with last time.  I kind of like the way this is framed, I just wish the roof weren't beeing worked on.
 A shot of the front of the house.  I really love the cobblestone pattern.
 A closeup of the windows and you can see how intricate this pattern is.  I can now imagine why a house like this would take a while.  But I can also imagine this is a pretty solid house.
 I got a little closer yet.  I love the way these stones are angled.  Makes it look even more impressive.  When it is brighter out, I may have to try the looking down the stones shot.
 I may have to work on this shot a bit.  I didn't realize how crooked it looked.
 A shot from the back of the house.  I like how there is basically a second house attached to it.
 There are some old pieces of farm equipment laying around the area.  I kind of like the textures on this one.
 I may have to try this shot again as well.
 Same with this one.
 I'm not sure what kind of bird this is but I liked the look of his feathers.  His head was bobbing too much though and he didn't stick around long.
 The horse and goat.
 Three chickens.
 The horse's head.
 Not sure what kind of goose this is, but I like his looks.  He almost looks fake in this picture.
 Another piece of farm equipment.
 This is probably my favorite angle of the barn because it's the only angle where the barn actually looks old.  They modernized the rest of it.
And I'll end with a shot of the log cabin.

I kind of wish I had discovered this park sooner than I did.  Oh well....

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