Monday, March 18, 2013

The Grand Haven Lighthouse Again

My next stop was the Grand Haven Lighthouse.  This is another that I've visited in the recent past, so I'm not going to go into the details about it.  For the most part, I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
 I like this picture well enough, I just wish the lighthouse stood out a little more.  This is actually one of the times that I wish I knew more about HDR because I would like a nice red lighthouse set off against the sky above.  I might be able to do a little messing around in Lightroom to get that effect.
 This time I decided to venture out on the pier because there were spots where I could walk without worrying about sliding into the river.
 This of course afforded me the opportunity to get a picture of the range light.
 Also I could get a shot of the lighthouse being illuminated by the sun.  Well when there was sun lighting it.
 I was also trying unusual angles of the lighthouse.
 As I headed back to the car, I decided to take other pictures.
 I kind of like this shot.
 I moved around a bit to get a decent angle.  I was hoping to get more of the sun reflection on the water but that was not to be.
 For this shot, I pulled the camera down a bit to get more of the sky.
 I was also messing around with the exposure settings.  I don't use manual mode as much as I should but this is one of the times that I appreciate knowing how to shoot in manual mode.  I love the sky in the picture.
But I like the lighthouse itself in this one.
 This is probably my favorite overall picture of the bunch.  I like the pink reflections on the waves.  I like the color in the lighthouse.  I really like the sky.  I think if I were going to play around with a picture, this would be the one.
 Then I decided to get pictures of the beach.
 Another of the tower.
 And the pair.
 As I was watching the light, I decided to move around to get other angles.
 I really like how the light is showing off the fence in this one.
And one last picture before leaving.

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice series for the most part. A couple of the pictures would meet the "Pure Michigan" ad criteria, in my opinion.
