Monday, March 18, 2013

The Paul Townsend and Friend

My next stop was Muskegon because of the lighthouse there but I couldn't resist another stop.
 The Paul Townsend has been featured on this blog before, so I'm not going to go into her history again.  Since I am kind of anxious to take ship pictures again, I had to take pictures of her to reduce some of the itch.  It is pretty sad that she just lays here to be used as cement storage.
 She is kind of a neat looking ship but I'm going to imagine that sitting idle has taken a toll on her engines and other things.
 Across the little bay there is a park where I could get my favorite ship angle.  She definately has nice clean lines and I would love to see her out on the water again some day but I'm going to guess that is not going to happen.
 Just a shot of her bow and pilothouse.
I'm not sure what the purpose of this vessel is, but she is called the Trieste.  She looks like she could be a fishing boat of some sort but again I'm not sure.

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