Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Cloudy Day in Detroit

I decided to head down to Detroit yesterday.  I was kind of waffling about whether I wanted to go or not.  The weather wasn't the greatest and I was still fighting the remnants of a cold but I went down anyway.  I wanted to see the Dequindre Cut and the Eastern Market.  I'd never seen either of them.

I was interested in the Dequindre Cut because of its history and Eastern Market because of it's photo potential.  So more on them in the next few posts.
 The Dequindre Cut is located near Milliken State Park, so I decided to park there.  As I arrived, I looked at AIS and saw that a ship would be approaching in 15 minutes or so.  That made me decide to wander around the park for a bit.
 I'm not sure why there is a Pistons bobblehead there but it was pretty neat.
 A nice shot of the Ambassador Bridge.
 Come warmer weather, this carousel will be seeing some use.
 I wanted to get a shot of the Renaissance Center and Ambassador Bridge.  I also got a little bit of Milliken State Park in there.  The park itself is pretty nice and I still think it's a shame that the Detroit City Council didn't go with the State and let the DNR take over Belle Isle.  I think it would have been good.
 As I said before, this is a place where they built steam engines for ships.  Sadly, it's been long boarded up.
 Another angle for Downtown Detroit.  I kind of like the view from over this way.
 I wanted to get a shot with the former drydock and factory.  I think it looks pretty neat.
 Looking at the Renaissance Center through the trees.
 Some of the rocks along the river bank.
 The Tri-Centennial Light.
 I'd never noticed this before.  It is a little bronze sculpture depicting the shipyard back when it was still a shipyard.  The ship being built is the Pioneer.
 A closeup of the ship's bow.
 I kind of liked the look of this grafitti near Eastern Market.
 St. Joseph's Catholic Church.  The church was founded in 1855 and the building you see in this picture was constructed in 1870.  It is one of the oldest churches in Detroit.  Sadly, it doesn't look well maintained.
 Some art on the back of Busy Bee Hardware store.  I saw this bee with a paintbrush and it made me think of someone.
 Another bee.
 The Trinity Church on Gratiot.
 The front of Busy Bee Hardware.
 Another shot of Busy Bee.  I kind of liked the look of the old buildings.
 A meat market.
 I just liked this shot of a small alleyway leading into some grafitti.
 Looking up at the spire of St. Joseph.
And one more view of the church.

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