Monday, April 15, 2013

A Docked Atlantic Huron

After we finished watching the Victoriaborg making her way upbound, I looked over towards the Ambassador Bridge and saw the Atlantic Huron.  I looked on AIS and saw that she was moving pretty slowly which meant she was docking somewhere.  Where she ended up docking was a spot that I didn't realize was a dock.  I wanted to catch her and I thought of a spot where I might catch her.
 The Atlantic Huron is one of my favorite ships because she is a part of one of my favorite pictures.  The spot where I caught her was on the other side of Joe Louis and isn't a particularly good spot.  But it's mostly fishermen, so I didn't feel particularly unsafe.
 It's hard to imagine the scale of a ship until you see people next to one.
Or a truck.  I think she was picking up residue from tar sands but I'm not sure.  It looked like coal or something.  These have been in the news recently.  But at any rate, it was cool to see an old friend.

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