Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Trip to the Eastern Market

In the 25 years I've lived in this area, I've never been down to the Eastern Market.  I figured it was time to change that streak.  Although I think next time I go down there, I will drive and park closer since I think I might want to get some stuff.  However, it was a pretty cool place to get photographs.
 It sits roughly a mile or so north of Downtown and is bordered by Gratiot Avenue, I-75, Mack Avenue and St. Aubin Street.  I was actually surprised at how easy it would have been to get to had I driven to it.  Although I can see why people would say to get their early because it seemed like parking would be a premium.  But now I can check one item off my list.
 The Farmer's Market in Detroit was first opened in 1841 in Cadillac Square.  It later moved to the corner of Michigan and Trumbull (which is also famous for some Stadium).   The current site was used for hay and wood sales until it was designated as the Farmer's Market in 1891.  Sheds were built and used.  After World War II, more wholesalers and food processors moved into the area making it a destination for wholesale food purchases.
 The area became a Michigan Historic Site in 1974 and made the National Register in 1978.  It is the largest public market in the United States.
 In 2006, control was taken from the city and transferred to a public-private entity called the Eastern Market Corporation.  In the years since then, they've renovated infrastructure and helped to foster development in the surrounding neighborhoods.
 There are also a variety of restaurants in the area.
 I kind of liked this mural.
I'm not sure if this is one of the original stalls or not, but this is one of the areas where much of the product is sold. 
 This is the restaurant where I decided to have lunch.  It was pretty good.
 Another one of the stalls.  It was amazing how many different things were here.
 The front of that building.
 One of the reasons I came down here was because I wanted to get shots like this.  I may have to come again now that I have a little better idea of what to expect.
 I think many of these buildings have been here since the 1800's.
 Another view of the stall.
 Looking inside the stall.
 More vegetables.  I'm pretty sure some of these are wholesalers and not farmers.
 Especially since we don't grow oranges in Michigan.
 It's amazing that Detroit has a vibrant market like this but then again agriculture is a pretty huge segment of Michigan.
 I think this may be the place where some coworkers get this really good cheese.  I didn't see it there.  I will have to try again.
 Looking up at that building.  I love old buildings.
 A stand of restaurants.
 Looking at that group of buildings from another spot.
 And Detroit's contribution to cuisine.
 This picture was an attempt to show the scope of the place but unfortunately, it doesn't do it justice.  But you get an idea of who busy it was.
And a picture of the mural facing Gratiot Avenue.

So I will have to make it a point to return some day.  Maybe try to catch it early in the morning to get some of those low angle sun shots.  It was a pretty neat place though.

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