Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Springtime in Ann Arbor

Well it is almost safe to say that spring has arrived in Michigan.  Not that I've said that, we'll get six inches of snow tomorrow or something to that effect.  It was a nice enough night tonight that
 The lighting was just about right for Angell Hall.  I just wish the trees were showing a little more green.
 But the flowering trees were blossoming.
 A more head on shot of Angell Hall.
 There were some other flowers in bloom.  Not sure what kind this is though.
 Or this one, but I do like it.

 A group of daisies.
 I tried to get a shot of the Union through the magnolias.  I may have to try again some day although it will have to be very soon.
 Looking up at the Union.
 The statue on the south side of the Union represents athletics and faces towards the athletic portion of the campus.
 The statue on the north side represents academics and faces towards that end of campus.
About the only shot I could get of the full Michigan Union where the sun was cooperating.
 If I remember correctly, Angell Hall is the largest classroom building in the country.  Judging by this shot, I can believe it.
 The University of Michigan Art Museum.
 The Law Quad is under construction, so I couldn't get my favorite shots from it but this one will do.
 A magnolia flower.
 A group of magnolias.
 The University President's House.  If I remember correctly, this is the oldest continuous building on campus.
 Clements Library.  This is another of my favorites.
 The Martha Cook Building.
 One of the seals on Clements Library.
I've been seeing quite a bit about banning books lately.  Apparently, there is someone in Michigan that wants a school to pull The Unedited Anne Frank Diary.  From what I understand, some of the racier passages were put back into the book.  Given that Anne Frank was 13 when she started writing and 14 when she ended it, I can't imagine the passages being that racy or any racier than any girl at that age.  So I thought the above quote was appropriate.
If you get a chance, check out the books on this list.  Some of them I can understand to some extent but some of them baffle my mind. 
 But as long as we have books...all is good, right?
 The spires of the West Engineering Building.
 Looking up at some other blossoms.
 I really like this shot.
 But I like this one a little more.
I just wish these were in front of one of the better looking buildings.
 Another magnolia.
 Looking towards the Rackham Building.  Given that Albert Kahn designed many of these buildings, I am guessing that this was deliberate.
 Looking up at the flag.
 One of Michigan's attack squirrels.  They are almost as vicious as a wolverine...almost.
 The Burton Memorial Tower.
 Looking at the Rackham Building.
 Looking at the other end of the diag and stuff.  I think I really like this shot.
 Looking up at the tower.
 Standing on the steps of the Rackham Building.
 A detail of the Rackham Building.
 I really liked the lighting on this shot.
 One more shot of the Burton Memorial Tower.
 You can never have enough pictures of this structure.
 Okay, maybe you can.
And I leave you with a shot of State Street.

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