Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The American Spirit Passes Port Huron

Next up was the ship I was waiting for, the American Spirt.  She is one of thirteen thousand footers that sail on the Great Lakes.
 With the execption of the Cort, this is the style of thousand footer that I like most.  I think the pilothouse on her is pretty neat.  This particular ship is owned by American Steamship.
 I've seen her in the past but I haven't been able to catch pictures like this in the past.  For the most part, I've see her out on the lake or passing Biship Park.
 The first head shot and she presents a pretty cool looking headshot.
 She makes the cut towards the River.
 Another headshot.
 She passes by the Blue Water Bridge and you can see her full 1000 feet.
 Another shot of that.  The river was almost smooth and gave the opportunity for nice reflections.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And she passes by.
 Damn tailgating freighters.
 I was near the Martime Center for this one.  Apparently, I just missed her giving a salute for a fallen boatnerd but it was still cool to see her.
 I love the reflections in the water.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 And her bow.
 A shot of her self-unloader.
 Another of her pilothouse.
And the big ship works her way down the St. Clair River.  Hopefully I will see her again at some point.

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