Monday, April 29, 2013

The Frankfort Lighthouse Redux

Since the Frankfort Lighthouse is so close to the Point Betsie Lighthouse, I decided to stop there as well.  It's not one of my favorites but it's not a bad lighthouse either.
 Sadly, this was about as far in this direction that I could get a picture because the sun would have been right in the camera.
 Not sure what kind of ducks these are but they weren't very easy to photograph.  They would dive under water.  Thanks to an alert reader, I've found out that these are in fact horned grebes.
 Merganser perhaps?  Nope.
 Since I couldn't quite get shots like this last time, I started to walk over towards the pier.  It also helped with the sun angle.
 And slowly I worked my way over.
 It was alot better than the last time I walked on a pier.  I kind of like this shot with the lines leading towards the lighthouse.
 And closer I got.
 I didn't have the right lens to get a closer shot of the tower.
 But I tried.
 And then I started to head back.
 Taking shots as I moved along.
 I kind of liked the two guys fishing in this shot.
 I'm not sure what dune this is.
 And a fishing boat.
 I really liked the way the fence shadow looked but I had the wrong lens on my camera.
 I wanted to catch a shot of this sign as I was heading into town but the sun was right behind it.  So instead I get a shot as I'm leaving.  This is probably my favorite welcoming sign in the state.
Mainly because there's a ship on the top.  Evidently, this is a model of the rail ferry that was named Viking.  It was used by the original Ann Arbor Railroad.  It was launched in 1924 and built in Manitiwoc, WI.  She was originally named the Ann Arbor Number 7.  In 1996, she sailed to Port Stanley, Ontario where there were plans to start a ferry service between Cleveland and Port Stanley.  The costs to renovate her were underestimated and she was sold to K&K Warehousing in 2002.  Currently she awaits her fate in Menominee, MI (probably scrapping).

1 comment:

  1. This set is a nice pictorial of Frankfort. I really enjoyed the pictures of the welcome sign.
