Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Roger Blough Passes Detroit

One of the reasons I wanted to get my Passport renewed was so that I could get a different vantage for ship pictures.  Going into Canada gives me the opportunity to get pictures with Detroit in the background.  I finally had the opportunity to do that.
 So my first ship from the Canadian side would turn out to be my favorite ship...the Roger Blough.  She was returning to Duluth from Conneaut.
 Even from Canada, she looks badass but sadly the lighting wasn't great for me.  Next time I do this, I will have to go in the morning so the light is at my back.
 She slowly approaches Detroit.
 Passing the apartments.
 Two of my favorites in one picture, the Blough and the Red Wings.
 Another thing I'll have to remember for next time is to get more of an angle so that I can get the whole ship in the picture.
 Sadly, I don't have a small enough lens to get her full length in this shot.
 And she approaches the Ren Cen.
 And passes the Ren Cen.
 A shot of her stern.
 She tells the Radcliffe R. Latimer to get out of the way.
 And the two ships pass.
And one more shot before moving on to the Latimer.

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