Sunday, May 19, 2013

American Integrity Passes St. Clair

Why can't you find American Integrity in Washington D.C.?  Becasue she travels around the Great Lakes.  Sorry, bad joke but she's a cool ship.
 American Integrity starts to peek around the Algomarine.  Shame I couldn't get this shot from above because you would see the difference between the two ships.  The American Integrity is a thousand footer.  The Algomarine is less than that.
 Here you start to get a better idea of her thousand feet.
 And she works her way into veiw, giving me my favorite angle.
 The Algomarine starts to slip out of view.
 The Amerian Integrity becomes more prominent.
 And I get another chance to try out my new lens.
 I almost can her full view from straight on.
 But not quite.
 She pulls away.
 A shot of the rear of her pilothouse.
 I was trying to get one of those Star Destroyer shots.
And one more shot before she moves on.

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