Tuesday, May 14, 2013

And the Tahquamenon Falls...

My main reason for heading up to the Upper Peninsula was to catch the Tahquamenon Falls.  I read on a post on facebook that they were flowing pretty heavy so I had to see that.  Plus, I wanted a fresh comparison to the Niagara Falls since I just saw those not too long ago.
 The Niagara Falls are probably more impressive than Tahquamenon but they don't win on setting.  A built up area just can't compete with this.  And yes, they were flowing pretty well.  I don't think I've seen them quite this much in a while.
 And of course, I had to slow down the shutter speed for a shot or two.
 And pulled out for the full view.
 Moving along the trail to the next spot.  I'm not sure I like the view from here.
 And the next spot.
 So I decided to head down to the brink of the falls.  As you can see, the river is quite foamy.
 And I like the closeup shots of the falls.  Just wish I could get some from lower.
 And slowed shutter speed.
 A shot of the upper river.  It was quite rapid too.
 And a nice bit of mist.  Sadly, no rainbows.
 And slowed down again.
 Looking at the bottom.
 Obscured bottom.
 Another view.
 Closing in on the arch looking thing.
 Pulled up.
 The trip down is fairly easy...the trip up...
 Well, there are 94 steps back up.
 But it was worth it.
 Some of the stuff along the trail.
 A trout lilly starts to peek out.
And few more peek out.

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