Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kaye E. Barker and the Gales of May

And then there was another pleasant surprise I saw on AIS.  Namely that the Kaye E. Barker was tied down in the Soo somewhere.  I wasn't quite sure where she would be but she looked like she may be at one of the parks I always frequent.
 Sure enough, there she was and it would be a sort of special treat.
 I am not often able to get this close to the boats.  They take on a whole other look when you are this close.  Mainly, you realize just how big a ship is.
 I tried to get the whole ship in this shot.  I just didn't want to get the top of the pilothouse though.
 Looking up at her pilothouse.
 And her anchor.
 Just to give you the angle of awe.
 In case you forgot which ship.
 One to get everything in the shot. 
 I'm not sure if you can see it, but the the device that looks like three spoons was spinning fast in the wind.
And a shot from another spot in town.

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