Saturday, May 25, 2013

Michigan Exposures Hits the Rails

What started as what I thought would be a one time event has become an annual event.  Once again, I hit the rails and go to see the Great American West.  This time, I am repeating the trip I took in 2010 by taking the Empire Builder to Seattle, then the Coast Starlight to Emeryville and the California Zephyr back home.  I can't wait to see some of the sights again.
 But before I can start all of that, I have to hopeon the Wolverine in Ann Arbor.  I didn't take too many pictures on the way between Ann Arbor and Chicago. I did manage to get a picture of the train though.
 I didn't have that long in Chicago, so I only took a few pictures.  I am really liking my new lens for taking pictures of buildings.  This of course is the Sears Tower (still can't bring myself to call it by its current name).
And this is the shot of Chicago as I was heading out. Sadly, I couldn't get a good angle on it though.  As always, more pictures when I get home.

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