Friday, May 10, 2013

More Blossoms....

I decided to take my camera to work with me today.  I was hoping that I might get a chance to do some shipwatching after work but the timing of the ships was not conducive to that.  I did get some other pictures though.
 As I was heading to my car this morning, I decided to take some pictures of a flowering tree near my apartment.  It rained last night, so I got some droplets of water on the petals.
 I think I like the first one better though.
This is one of the trees in front of my office.  These trees look pretty cool at any time of the year though.
 Looking up at some flowers.
 I really like the pink and white flowers.
 A similar tree that was across the parking lot.
 Another angle of the flowers.
And one more shot.

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