Sunday, May 19, 2013

Next Up The American Mariner

These posts are going to be in the order that I saw the ships and not in the order that I took the pictures, so there is going to be a little jumping from place to place.  At anyrate, while I was in St. Clair, I saw the American Mariner making her way down the river.  While I'm not a fan of the rear pilothouses, I am a fan of American Steamships, so I took pictures of her.
 She slowly works her way down the river.  She's been on this blog before, so I wont go into her history.  I really do like this angle for ships.
 She works her way closer.
 A shot of her bow.  The flag on the left is the American Steamship flag.  The flag on the right is what's known as a courtesty flag.  Ships will sometimes fly the flag of the countries they are in or near.  In this case, she is straddling the US/Canadian border so she flies a Canadian Flag.
 And she gets closer.
 Another chance to see how I like my new lens.
 If you look closely, you see a person in the thing above the bow.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 She proudly flies an American flag.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get a shot of it that I really liked.
 A shot of her stack.  The colors of the stacks are indicative of the companies that own the ship.  In this case, this is the American Steamship color scheme.
 And she slowly makes her way down the St Clair River.
 She's about to be greeted by the Algosteel.
 And a shot with three boats in it.  You can almost make out the James Barker behind the Algosteel.
The Algosteel heads upbound and the American Mariner continues downbound.

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