Monday, May 13, 2013

Roger Blough and the Soo

My reasons for stopping in the Soo was twofold.  One, I needed to get myself a jacket.  Two, I was hoping that the weather would improve so that I could get some pictures of the Falls on Sunday. Three, I was hoping that I could catch the Roger Blough as she was making her way towards the Soo as I was making my way up.
 Well, I did manage to catch her barely.  She was just about complete with locking through.  As I was getting up to the observation tower, she sounded her horn which is boatspeak for, "I would like to leave now, please".
I still managed to get some shots of her.
 Then I went over to my spot in the fence where could get decent shots of ships either entering or leaving the locks.
 A shot of her self-unloading belt.
 She works her way out of the Poe Lock.
 Stars and Stripes flying in the wind.
 She slowly works her way around the waiting St. Clair.
 And blocks the waiting St. Clair.
 Slowly she moves along.
Not quite the shot of her that I had hoped but I guess it would have to do.  So then I got in the car and made my way towards Sherman Park to get more shots of her...

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