Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Blue Water Bridge at Dusk

I decided to head up to Port Huron next.  I thought there was the potential of catching a couple more ships.  I did end up seeing the Paul R. Tregurtha but she was docking at the Power Plant and there isn't really a good spot for getting pictures there.
 But I still plodded on to Port Huron because I thought that I would have a chance to catch the Alpena.  Well no Alpena, but the sunset was looking kind of nice.  This picture is in auto-exposure.
 I'm not a huge fan of auto-exposure pictures at dusk, so I put it in manual.  I kind of like this but it may be a little too dark.
 I do like how the lights look though.
 I will have to say it's a pretty neat looking bridge.
And one more shot...

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