Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Thursday Morning at Belle Isle

So I took Thursday and Friday off because I was planning on going up to Engineer's Day.  Things didn't quite work out the way I had hoped, so I ended up waffling on whether I was going to go or not.  As I was taking these pictures, I was not planning on going and was just going to spend the day along either the Detroit or St. Clair Rivers since it was a fairly busy day for shipping.  Well it turned out that I ended up heading up to Engineer's Day but still I was in Detroit, so.....
 The view of the Detroit skyline from Belle Isle.  I've taken plenty pictures of this vantage but the water seemed a little calmer than normal, so you can see some of the reflections of the buildings in it.  I didn't like the way the picture came out of the camera, so I did a little bit of post processing to it.  I hope I didn't over-process.
 And a shot of the MacArthur Bridge.
 The Nancy Brown Peace Carillon.  I really liked the way the reflection looked in the water.
 The Belle Isle Conservatory building.  I was liking how the sun was hitting it.
 Since I was going back to the rocky beach, I decided to take a few pictures of the Livingstone Memorial Tower.
 This is becoming one of my favorite lighthouses.  It is the only lighthouse made of marble and one of two lighthouses that is dedicated to someone.
 He was President of the Lake Carrier's association and brought about many safety items to Great Lakes Shipping.
 A Coast Guard boat doing it's Coast Guard thing.
 A closer shot of the tower.
 Shots as I was heading back from the beach.
 I kind of like how this shot turned out.
 A shot of the field leading to the rocky beach.
 Because I can't get enough shots of the tower.
 One more with the field in front.
And a last shot before I moved on.

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