Sunday, June 23, 2013

River Walk Days

As I said, there was also the River Walk Days.  I'm not sure when they started but I think they continue through Monday with the Fireworks.  I guess it's a way to increase awareness of the River Walk and the other things that Detroit has to offer.
 You could take tours of the Bristol Bay but I was in kind of a hurry, so I didn't do that.  She is a fairly nice looking vessel.
 A shot of the Ren Cen from in front of her.  Like I said, I'm liking my new lens because I love the long exagerrated building shots.
 A shot of part of the Detroit skyline from near the Hart Plaza.  I didn't really wander around there either.
 The Detroit Fireboat was tied up.  They weren't offering tours of her but you could get fairly close.
 She's a pretty nice looking vessel.  It's a shame she wasn't in the races because I'd imagine she would have smoked the other contestants.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.
 I kind of liked this picture of her stack with the flag flying in the breeze.
 Her pilot.
 The seal of the Detroit Fire Department.
 Another shot of the flag flying past the logo.
 The Bristol Bay's stern.
 The Bristol Bay's flag flying in the breeze.
 A shot of her stack and the Coast Guard logo.
 Looking up at her pilothouse.  It was kind of neat that she had her flags flying.
 One more shot before moving on.
 They had some artwork displayed along the way.  I kind of liked this one.
 And this one.
 I thought this statue was pretty cool.  I just wanted a picture of the Ren Cen in the background for a sense of place.
 A closeup.
 One of the flowers along the way.
 Along with another.
 And another.
 There was a sand sculpture set up as well.  I thought it was pretty cool and I was amazed at the details.
You can't really tell from this picture but there are rides set up.  They also had a pretty large stage set up as well.  It looked like it would be fun if you are into that sort of thing.

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