Friday, June 21, 2013

Sitting Amongst the Daisies

I took my camera into work with me today because I was heading up north right after.  Since there are a few flowers I wanted to take pictures of, I'm glad I did.  This morning was pretty nice for it because the droplets from the sprinkler system were still on them. The light was just about right.
 It's not a really large group of daisies and I had to look around for one that wasn't too worn.
 I kind of like this one but I'm not sure about the shallow depth of field on this.  I kind of like it though.
 A triangle is always a good element of composition.
 I kind of like single daisies too though.   Especially against the green background.
 Another single daisy.
A small field of daisies.
 One of the day lilies.

I really like this shot.  I thought the beads of water were really cool.

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