Monday, June 17, 2013

The Grand Haven Lighthouse Revisited

This has been featured on this blog several times in the past, so again no details, just pictures mostly.  This time I just took my little lens, so I got some different angles and stuff.
 One of the things I like about the smaller lens is the exagerrated lengths I get at the shorter focal length.  Makes the pier seem like it goes out forever.
 But then as I get closer, I get more normal angles.  I'm still more partial to the lighthouse in St. Joseph but this one is pretty cool.
 I guess I love the red.  I think because it is red it also serves as a channel marker.
 Of course, this was a view I couldn't get last time, since I didn't venture too far out on the pier.
 The view from the other side of the lighthouse.
 The front range light.  This was used by ships to find the channel.  If the two lights were lined up, they knew that they were heading for the channel.
 A view from the front.  The cement in front looks kind of like the bow of a ship.
 Looking up at the tower.
 And I started to head back.
 Looking through the catwalk at the tower.
 A shot of the main tower and the front range light.
 One more shot before moving on.
There used to be more commercial traffic that moved through Grand Haven.  Now it is mostly pleasure craft with the occasional freighter.

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