Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Wolverine by any Other Name....

Next up is the Robert S. Pierson.  There are some that call her Bob the Stinky Boat.  I'm not sure why because I assume she smells like another other diesel boat.  But that's not why I like her.
 At one time she was owned by a company called Oglebay-Norton and at that time she was known as the Wolverine.
 Sadly, after some really bad business decisions, Oglebay-Norton went out of business and as part of the bankruptcy, its ships were sold off.
 The Wolverine found her way to Lower Lakes and was given her current name.  It's not a bad name I guess but Wolverine is cooler.
 I'm not a huge fan of the rear-deckers but I do like this one.  I think she looks pretty sleek looking, almost like a warship.
 A shot of her stacks and pilothouse.
 The almost straight on shot.
 Apparently in the right light, you can still see her old name.  But I didn't have the right light yesterday.
 Her stack sports the logo of the Lower Lakes Company.  Still don't know why they use a Blackhawk logo.
 A better shot of her stack.
 A shot as she pulls into the fuel dock.
 She pours on some smoke as she works her way into the dock.
One more shot before moving on.

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