Saturday, July 6, 2013

And Now the Algoeast

As I was waiting for my favorite ship to appear, I heard the rumbling of a diesel coming upbound.  I've heard some loud ships before but this one took the cake.
 The source of the rumbling was the Algoeast, she is a tanker that is owned by Algoma Tankers (which is a division of Algoma Central).  She's been on this blog before, so I wont give details here.
 She's actually a pretty nice looking ship.
 And given that she's carrying flammables, I guess you should head the warning.
 She has a lovely profile.
 And a pretty cool looking stack.  So would this be a case of putting a bear in your tank?
 Her bow.
 She slowly snakes her way upbound.
 And gets ready to greet my next boat.
One more shot before moving on to the ship to the left.

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