Wednesday, July 3, 2013

One More View of the Bridge

Before heading home, I decided to make one more stop at the Park for some more pictures of the Bridge.
 A nice pulled out shot.  It figured that the weather would get nice as I was leaving.
 Since I didn't get many pictures of the lighthouse, I wanted some pictures of the lighthouse too.
 Another shot of the Bridge.
 A shot of the lighthouse from the front.
 Looking up at the tower.
 A shot through the birches.  I think these birches may be some of the most photographed in the state.  There are always pictures like this of the Bridge.
 Getting the long view.
 Another sort of front shot of the Lighthouse.
 One more shot of the lighthouse.
 I wasn't going to take another picture of the Bridge, but I couldn't pass up the shot of the ferry in front.
And one last shot before taking the trek back to Ypsilanti.

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