Saturday, July 6, 2013

Random Odds and Ends Around Belle Isle

As the Algowood was passing by, it started to rain, so  I decided to pack it up and move to Mariner's Park in Grosse Isle.  I wanted to catch the Blough before it got really nasty.  But before I post pictures of her, I'll post pictures of the stuff that I also saw today.
 My first vessel of the day was the Leonard M.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a great shot of her.
 One of many sailboats that I saw today.  I guess it was windy enough.
 The Livingstone Light.  As  I said, this lighthouse is moving up to one of my favorites.
 A pair of kayakers. 
 A commorant.  I see enough of these.
 Another sailboat.
 The light of the Livingstone Lighthouse.
 As I was starting to move from my original spot, I decided to take some pictures of it.
 From the sort of front.
And one more sailboat.

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