Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Philip R Clarke Passes the Blue Water Bridge

Following closely behind the Manistee was the next boat.
 It has actually been a while since I've seen the Philip Clarke.  I think it was last September that I saw her after seeing her fairly regularly through the summer.
 She's lovely boat and I was glad to catch her here because Port Huron makes a nice backdrop.
 One of the nice things about shooting in Port Huron is that I have a couple of opportunities to get a head shot.
 And here I got one.  To the right of the picture, you can see the Huron Lightship.  One of these days, I'm going to take a tour of her.
 And the Clarke makes a turn to head out of the channel.
 Giving me one of my favorite views.
 And then I get the shot of her framed under the Blue Water Bridge.
 A shot of her bow and pilothouse.
 Just her pilothouse.
 And stack.
 Her flag waving proudly behind her.
And one more shot before she heads off into Lake Huron.  I really like this shot with the different shades of blue.

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