Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Return of the Manitoba

So my last ship of the night was the Manitoba.  It has been almost two years since she's appeared on this blog.  This is kind of unusual as it seems like there are many ships that I see over and over.  I think the Manitoba has been in layup for a while which might explain some of it.
 One of the things I like about taking pictures at Del Ray, is that I get the opportunity to have Detroit as a backdrop.
 And she slowly works her way closer.
 I also get to to have the Ren Cen as a backdrop too, although I should have straightened this picture out even more.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.  She definately betrays her Canadian heritage in this shot.  She also betrays the fact that she's been on the lakes a while.
 Well, I thought that I would get to see the Indiana Harbor turn around but I didn't.  So I was disappointed.  I was not expecting to see the Manitoba turn around, so it was pretty cool.  Here she pours on the smoke to prepare for her turn.
 Slowly she works her way around.
 She even gave me a front shot.
 She's still pouring the steam on to make her turn.  Here she has to work against the river to turn around.
 A shot of her bow.
 And a pretty stern shot.
 Slowly she whips around to head into the Sterling Fuel Dock.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And the Maple Leaf flapping proudly in the breeze.
 A shot of her stack but for the life of me, I do not know why there is a Blackhawks logo here.
One more shot before I headed off.

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