Thursday, July 11, 2013

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

I was pretty sure I wanted to do some photographing after work today, so I decided to take my camera in with me.  Actually, I had another reason to take my camera into work.
 We have some pretty nice flowers around the building.  They'e been blooming for a while and I figured I should probably catch them before they are gone. 
 If my memory serves me correctly, this is a tiger lily.  But I suspect it's not.
 Oh well, it's a pretty cool looking flower.
 As I was wandering around the flowers...or tiptoeing through them if you will, I saw this pink one.  It kind of liked it.  I think it also is a lily but again, I think I'm wrong.
 Another angle of that flower.
 A different shade of red and yellow.
 And then I went over to my normal flowers.  I like the yellows.
 But I really like them with a hint of orange.
And one more for good measure.


  1. Just got around to checking these out. Looks like they are all day lilies. Low to ground, cluster of long grass like leaves around the base. Each bloom will open for a day and then die off making room for the next day's bloom. In my garden each different variety blooms at a slightly different time. Right now the yellows and orange tones are mostly gone. Rust and pink/ purple tones are in.

  2. Just got around to checking these out. Looks like they are all day lilies. Low to ground, cluster of long grass like leaves around the base. Each bloom will open for a day and then die off making room for the next day's bloom. In my garden each different variety blooms at a slightly different time. Right now the yellows and orange tones are mostly gone. Rust and pink/ purple tones are in.
